

This is a hand-made latex mask I sculpted for a fan film that was never made. He is based on the Quarren species and the character Tessek but I took creative liberties with the design.

The mask is large enough to slip on over the average sized head. There are no breathing holes as I wanted to leave this up to the buyer as to the location for these - there are several good options: under the tusk and/or tongue or through the tubercles on the side of the neck.

The paint is both durable and flexible so it won't crack or scrape off, and is also sealed with a clear urethane that helps protect the latex and gives it a bit of a wet look.

The eyes are a clear plastic vacuum form and are tinted blue. You can see through these well enough to walk around but your vision will look a little "foggy".

The tentacles are foam latex and have a more realistic movement and feel. The smaller "tusks" are thermoplastic to give them a more tooth-like look.

Even though this was designed to be used as a mask, the latex is thick enough that it can be used as a display without significant deformation of the features like most masks.

The hands are flexible enough to hold larger objects such as water bottles or light sabers but you probably won't be signing any autographs in them ;) They have a slit in the wrist to make it easier to put on and they snug but easily fit the average hand.

Feel free to message me with any questions that you may have.

Thanks for looking!

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